Energy Solutions

How we reduce the environmental impact of computing

while getting access to abundant energy

Digital Renewable Optimization™ (DRO)
By bringing our computing workloads to the source of renewable energy production, like wind, solar and geo-thermal, we are able to both reduce costs and power our computing workloads with on-site carbon free power resources.
Digital Flare Mitigation™ (DFM)
Crusoe's Digital Flare Mitigation system is an innovative low-cost solution that captures wasted natural gas from the oil field and converts it into electricity to power advanced, modular data centers co-located onsite.
The energy supply and demand problem: why DFM™ and DRO™ matter
Demand for energy-intensive compute is expected to exceed 38GW by 2030 (DigitalBridge 2023).
144 billion cubic feet of natural gas was flared in 2021 (World Bank 2022).
More than 8% of the world's electricity will be consumed by data centers in 2030 vs 1% in 2020 (IEA 2022).
Data centers consumed 690 million megawatt hours in 2021, with about 17% of that total computing demand coming from digital currency mining.
Renewable energy production is asynchronous with power demand leading to curtailment, congestion, & negative pricing.
The transmission infrastructure needed to capture & fully utilize all the renewable energy generated is lagging.

Benefits of DRO™

A vector illustration of a lightning bolt with circular arrows, representing renewable energy.


Improving the economics of renewable energy assets through creative commercial structures that minimize downside risks while offering upside in scarcity pricing environments

A vector illustration of a flame over a gas burner, symbolizing fuel or energy production.


Helping rebalance the local transmission infrastructure by bringing load to the generation source and reducing curtailment

A vector illustration of circular arrows around a wind turbine, representing efficiency.


Reducing transmission losses (on the order of 5% in the U.S. and higher in other regions) between generation and load

Benefits of DFM™

1 Crusoe DFM-powered GPU reduces emissions by ~ 4.4 CO2e metric tons per year

A vector illustration of a document with a checkmark

Cost effective

Crusoe's DFM technology provides operators with a cost-effective solution to reduce methane emissions resulting from natural gas flaring during oil production

A vector illustration of a DNA helix symbolizing innovation.


Crusoe's DFM system is an innovative low-cost solution that captures wasted natural gas from the oil field and converts it into electricity to power advanced, modular data centers co-located onsite

A vector illustration of two trees representing environmental sustainability

Environmentally friendly

Crusoe's DFM systems are deployed to oil well pads where pipeline capacity is limited or unavailable, to mitigate the environmental impacts of oil production by reducing flaring and methane emissions

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